SPEKTRA a.s. Bratislava Pluhová 49

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Analysis of registered records

The aim of this service is to map the present status of your archived records from the point of view of legal compliance and to sort, label and archive them according to your needs in the registered centre in accordance with the law and your registered order and plan.

This service is offered, in order to:

1. Improvement the administration and protection of your own documentation, perfect the access to information and harmonize their administration with the provisions of the Law on archives and registries. Thorough sorting, labeling, filing and record keeping of all the documentation of your company

2. Preparation and pursuance discarding proceedings of records under the Law on archives and registries (businesses should do this at least once in 5 years)

3. Preparation the report of your registry, which can only be done, since we give guarantee once thorough analysis of your records was accomplished